


/Get Paid to Travel the World With Purpose

Get Paid to Travel the World With Purpose

Shivya Nath

11 modules


Certificate of completion

Access for 90 days

An in-depth course for storytellers, creators and influencers, to get paid to travel - and have a positive impact on the world in the process!


I've travelled to 60+ countries as a travel storyteller, and taken all my learnings to build a course that'll give you the strategies and mindset to turn your wanderlust into a meaningful career. 


Over the past 10 years, I've worked with hundreds of brands - tourism boards, airlines, accommodations, lifestyle brands - and had some of the most epic experiences of my life. I've e-biked in the Swiss Alps, spent a month on a remote island off the coast of Chile, crossed the land border from Uzbekistan to Tajikistan, travelled across Germany's wine regions, and set foot on the world's most stunning beaches in Mauritius - all as part of paid collaborations.


This in-depth course is designed for influencers, content creators, bloggers, writers and photographers who dream of travelling the world too. The tools I share can be applied to different parts of your journey, and across platforms like Instagram, YouTube and blogging. I teach you how to build a strong personal brand, attract a loyal audience, get paid to travel to your dream destinations, negotiate contracts and deliverables, and have a positive impact on the world in the process. 


Dreams become reality only when we act on them. Will you?



  • ​Pratima’s reel (@pratimasinghchauhan) reached over 30 million people, and earned her 12000 followers in just 3 days. She says the course made her fall in love with storytelling – and this happened when she changed her approach to the way she tells stories.
  • ​Shreyas (@mapmystories) set about rebuilding his personal brand based on the course. He has since been approached to manage an Indigenous community’s digital presence, received a paid speaking gig, and been approached by the producers of a BBC show for a curated journey!
  • ​Ee Ming (@emtoh) felt inspired to pursue travel collaborations more intentionally after taking the course, and received invitations for hosted trips to China, Vietnam, and Japan.

Key Highlights

Discover ways to monetize your passion for travel

Stand out amid the clutter of travel influencers

Learn how to tell impactful written and visual stories

Get noticed by brands, and score free press trips

Know how to set your rates for brand collaborations

Get the media to love your work

Let your stories positively change the world

Get paid to travel to your dream destinations

What you will learn

How to make a living doing what you love

Learn early success strategies for travel storytellers, and why thousands fail.

The secrets of a strong personal brand

Stand out amid the clutter, build a powerful personal brand, and attract a loyal audience.

How to tell awesome travel stories

Deep-dive into the power of written and visual storytelling, and discover the creativity myth.

Work with brands from the get-go

Get noticed by brands, score free trips, and negotiate deliverables and contracts like a pro.

How to score paid brand collaborations

An inside look at industry rates, what your content is worth, negotiation strategies, and how to diversify your income.

Let your stories change the world

Learn how to tell meaningful travel stories that could change the world, and delve into the Creativity Saturation Curve.

Strategies to advance your career

Discover hacks to travel more without spending more, and strategies to advance your storytelling career.

Manage your mental health as a creator

Acknowledge the emotional challenges of being a creator, and receive tools to cope with them.


Getting Started

3 attachments • 2 mins

Make the Most Out of This Course

3 pages

Join the Whatsapp Community

Pre-Course Assessment

Upcoming Live Sessions

1 attachment

Live Session 14 - Instagram: Means to an End

PART 1: Passion, Purpose and Money

5 attachments • 27.4 mins

Module 1.1 -- My First Paid Trip

Module 1.2 -- How to Make an Income Doing What You Love

Assignment 1.2 -- Passion meets income

1 page

Module 1.3 -- Success Strategies and Why Thousands Fail

Assignment 1.3 -- Channels and Skills

1 page

PART 2: Niche, Personal Branding and Building an Audience

7 attachments • 44.19 mins

Module 2.1 -- Lessons From a Collaboration Gone Wrong

Module 2.2 -- How to Stand Out Amid the Clutter

Assignment 2.2 -- Niche and Bio

2 pages

Module 2.3 -- Build a Powerful Personal Brand

Assignment 2.3 - Your Personal Brand

1 page

Module 2.4 -- Attract Your Tribe - Audience Building and Finding a 1000 True Fans

Assignment 2.4 -- Landing Page and 30 Second Rule

2 pages

PART 3: How to Tell Great Travel Stories

13 attachments • 1 hrs

Module 3.1 -- The Power of Storytelling

Module 3.2 -- How to Tell Inspiring Travel Stories

Assignment 3.2 -- Inspiring Travel Stories

2 pages

Module 3.3 -- Don't Just Write - Create Something Magical

Assignment 3.3 -- Writing Inspiration

1 page

Resource 3.3 -- Writing Prompts

2 pages

Module 3.4 -- Tell Memorable Stories Through Photography and Video (Part 1)

Assignment 3.4 -- Critique Your Content

1 page

Module 3.5 -- Tell Memorable Stories Through Photography and Video (Part 2)

Assignment 3.5 -- Visual Storytelling Checklist

2 pages

Resource 3.5 -- Visual Storytelling Prompts

2 pages

Module 3.6 -- The Creativity Myth, and Adapting Your Voice to Changing Mediums

Assignment 3.6 -- Storytelling Review

1 page

PART 4: Working with Brands - Getting Started

8 attachments • 57.08 mins

Module 4.1 -- Can You Really Get Paid to Travel the World?

Module 4.2 -- Get Noticed by Brands

Assignment 4.2 -- Get Noticed by Brands

2 pages

Resource 4.2 -- Media Kit Outline

2 pages

Module 4.3 -- FAM Trips - Expectations vs Reality

Assignment 4.3 -- Manifest Your Dream Trip

1 page

Resource 4.3 -- Sample Email for Tourism Boards

2 pages

Module 4.4 -- Don't Get Taken For a Ride - Deliverables and Contracts

PART 5: Working With Brands – From Sponsored to Paid

7 attachments • 43.71 mins

Module 5.1 -- What Are You Worth?

Module 5.2 -- Let’s Talk Money - Industry Rates and What You Should Charge

Assignment 5.2 -- Paid Brand Collaborations

1 page

Resource 5.2 -- Rate Card Template

3 pages

Module 5.3 -- Diversify Your Income

Resource 5.3 -- Alternate Sources of Income

3 pages

[UNLOCK BONUS] -- Mid-point Assessment

PART 6: What’s Your Impact?

7 attachments • 53.39 mins

Module 6.1 -- With Great Influence Comes Great Responsiblity

Module 6.2 -- How to Seek Meaningful Travel Stories

Resource 6.2 -- Introduction to Sustainable Travel

12 pages

Assignment 6.2 -- Your Impact

1 page

6.3 Your Stories Can Change The World

Assignment 6.3 -- Using the CREATE Framework

1 page

Module 6.4 -- The Creativity Saturation Curve

PART 7: Advancing Your Career

6 attachments • 27.31 mins

Module 7.1 -- Where Can the Road Take You?

7.2 Travel More Without Spending More

Assignment 7.2 -- Travel More

1 page

Resource 7.2 -- Volunteer Travel Opportunities

9 pages

Module 7.3 -- Advanced Strategies

Assignment 7.3 -- Advanced Strategies

1 page

PART 8: Emotional Challenges and How to Overcome Them

5 attachments • 14.99 mins

Module 8.1 -- FOMO, Envy and Well-being as a Creator

Module 8.2 -- Emotional Well-being Tools and the Feel Good Hormone

Assignment 8.2 -- Emotional Well-being Resources

2 pages

End of Course Assessment and Feedback

Last Words

Live Session Recordings

14 attachments • 21 hrs

Recording: Live Session 1 - Niche & Personal Branding

Recording: Live Session 2 - Storytelling

Recording: Live Session 3 - Working With Brands

Recording: Live Session 4 - Your Impact

Recording: Live Session 5 - Challenges

Recording: Live Session 6 - Growth

Recording: Live Session 7 - Your Primary Channel

Recording: Live Session 8 - Instagram

Recording: Live Session 9 - Industry Updates

Recording: Live Session 10 - Boundaries

Recording: Live Session 11 - Travel Writing

Recording: Live Session 12 - What's Your Legacy?

Recording: Live Session 13 - 1 Year Celebration

Recording - Live Session 14 - Instagram: Means to an End


When you complete this course you receive a ‘Certificate of Completion’ signed and addressed personally by me.

Course Certificate


A well-thought-out & crisp course structure with a supportive community aspiring to always be better. It helped me meet like-minded people on a similar journey, all thirsty for what is most needed today - impact storytelling & responsible travel. Truly grateful to have been selected to work with Himalayan Ecotourism & become a voice for impact. The trip was incredible & I've learned a lot. Couldn’t have imagined a better opportunity for taking my responsible travel journey to the next level.

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Vagisha Anant


I had many moral dilemmas when it came to travelling and creating content. This course was such a reassurance that I can stick to my values and still make it. It also helped me find my purpose and direction in storytelling. And the community has been very supportive too! Also, I got my first barter opportunity for a beautiful stay in Goa through the course itself! Super thrilled and grateful for everything that the course gave me!

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Nivetha Kannan

Writer and Content Creator

Investing the only money left in my account on this course was the greatest choice I've ever made in my entire life. I've been following Shivya for a while and I was 100℅ sure about what this course had to offer. I really need to tell how beneficial this course is to each one of us who is struggling between the storytelling dream and the crisis regarding our identity. So no matter where you are on your storytelling journey, this course will nourish you and push yourself to fulfill your dream.

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Content Creator

This course has made me gain respect for Shivya even more. I have been blogging for two years and the course reassured me that I am on the right track and gave me useful insights on how to be an authentic creator. It made me realize I should focus on meaningful output instead of following SEO keywords as guidance. It gave me the strength to start looking for paid collaborations aside from placing ads and doing affiliate marketing. Thank you Shivya for this course full of kindness and wisdom!

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Annelies De Gelas

Conscious Traveller

Thanks for putting this course together. I have been thinking about travel storytelling for a long time but had my reservations. With your course, I have found an answer to a lot of my questions and now am excited to build something from scratch! I would highly recommend this course to anyone wanting to get into this field seriously because it is the foundation that matters the most.

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Jhumur Ganguly

General Manager

I highly recommend this course as you are getting all the valuable resources and behind-the-scenes information right from the horse's mouth. And the community is awesome too! There is no one better than Shivya who has the authority to teach sustainable and slow travel.

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Aman Arora

Founder of Whole Humans

Boy, am I glad I signed up! I'm a slice-of-life writer & an avid traveler and through this wonderfully crafted course, I feel confident & equipped to pursue my path as a travel storyteller as well. This course has also gotten me to be friends with social media with an understanding that thru my words & visuals, I can truly make a difference. I would urge everyone with a passion for writing & traveling to please sign up, its the best thing you can do for yourself.

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Sharmila Vasudevan

Independent writer/singer/voice artist

This course helped me to understand a lot of behind-the-scene aspects of becoming an impactful travel storyteller. These include creating impactful stories, creative writing tips, using digital tools, building a media kit, creating a strong niche & credibility to collaborating with brands, and taking care of mental health in the process. I would recommend this course to anyone who wants to take their travel storytelling journey to the next level. It is brilliantly done!

Testimonial | Photograph | {{name}}

Suneela Voleti

Chartered Accountant


How can I enrol in a course?

That's easy. Go to the 'Get Paid to Travel the World With Purpose' course, click on "Enroll Now," and follow the payment process.

Can I access the course materials on any device?

Yes! You can access the course materials anytime, anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection.

What does the course include?

Once you enroll, you will receive access to 5.5 hours of pre-recorded video lessons, as well as helpful resources and assignments to guide your journey. These will be available for 90 days (3 months) from the date of enrollment.

Can I interact with Shivya and other students during the course?

Yes! You're invited to join a Whatsapp community for the course, where Shivya holds a monthly FAQ session. You can also interact and share your journey with other students. You're welcome to remain part of the community even after you've completed the course.

What is the course structure?

The course has been structured to encourage you to follow the modules in order, and finish the course in the timeframe that’ll benefit you the most. You have 90 days (3 months) from the date of enrollment to finish the course. Please note that after 90 days, you’ll no longer have access to the course lessons and resources.

Why isn't this course available for free?

This course is an investment into what could become your lifelong career as a travel creator. I've taken everything I've experienced and learnt over the past 10 years of being a successful travel storyteller to design this course - and I truly believe that if you follow the video lessons, assignments and resources, paid opportunities will be knocking on your door very soon!

Why is the course priced differently for different countries?

In order to make this course accessible to a wide audience, I've set different price points for the Global South (economically developing countries) and the Global North (economically developed countries). If you think an exception should be made for you, please get in touch at shivyanath@gmail.com

What if I can't afford the course?

If you genuinely can't afford the course, please reach out to me at shivyanath@gmail.com and we'll work something out. If you'd like to gift the course to a student who can't afford it, I'd love to hear from you too.

About the creator

About the creator

Shivya Nath

Shivya is a passionate traveller, award-winning writer and bestselling author. In 2011, she quit her full-time job to pursue her dream of travelling the world, and gradually gave up her apartment, sold most of her belongings, and began living out of two bags. She has spent time in 60+ countries, and funds her adventures primarily through Instagram and her travel blog. Her journey has been featured by BBC Travel, National Geographic Traveller, The Washington Post and other leading publications.

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